progression task 8
Black Life Matters.
In recent events involving the murder of George Floyd after having his neck crushed by a white policer officer’s knee. This sparked an outrage not only across America but across the globe too.
Different news organisations have represented these events in similar ways by covering this topic in a sensitive and respectful manner whilst supporting the movement. They will film the protests and photograph them as well as interview protesters. Furthermore, they have also covered the government's response.
Additionally, Netflix has also responded by making a collection on their platform called “Black Lives Matter”. This will teach people the history of black people and where they have came and stood in historic events. This is aimed to bring light into the newer generations therefore helping to end racism all together since racism is taught and not a condition that people are born with.
The media has a responsibility on how the issue is represented. Since online, I can say a simple “hey” which can be twisted into me saying a death threat to someone. The media has a responsibility to actually document these events unbiasedly and in an anti-racist conduct. This is to show equality and respect the movement. Since these days "Racism is not getting worse, it's getting filmed." - Will Smith.